Hamburg, 2023 / 03 / 31

Leonhardt & Blumberg expands fleet by a further chemical/oil tanker

Hamburg, March 31st, 2023: In March, Leonhardt & Blumberg took over the HANSA TROMSOE in Balboa, Panama. The 51,501 DWT chemical tanker for oil products with 183 m length was built 2008 at STX Shipyard, Korea.


HANSA TROMSOE is a sister ship to HANSA OSLO and HANSA BERGEN, both from 2007, which joined the L & B fleet last summer. Together with the three MR tankers, which were taken over from Ardmore Shipping in Q2 2022, the L & B fleet now has 6 of its own tankers of this size.


Feel free to call with all your questions.

Leonhardt & Blumberg
Shipmanagement GmbH & Co. KG

Neumühlen 13
22763 Hamburg

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