Hamburg, 2024 / 07 / 15

Announcement of winners of the Photocompetition 2024

Hamburg, 15 July 2024: At the beginning of the year, Leonhardt & Blumberg launched a new round of the photo competition to capture and share the fascinating aspects of the maritime world. After numerous impressive submissions and careful evaluation, the three winners were announced last week:

1st place: The impressive picture of “sea smoke” from Chief Mate Mr. Ivan Chua captured from the bridge of HANSA STEINBURG.

Sea Smoke

2nd place: The submission of Chief Engineer Mr. Evgeny Davidchuk, of MT HANSA BERGEN docking.

Tanker views

3rd place: A beautiful picture of a sunset on CALANDRA, submitted by Wiper Mr. Paul Vecino Artiaga. 



Leonhardt & Blumberg wants to congratulate the winners and thank all participants for their impressive entries!

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